Prince George Outdoor Ice Oval

Having a public outside oval is the most cool thing this winter, it’s open for all ages and you can really feel the mountain winter vibes while skating ♡

Prince George Outdoor Ice Oval

Having a public outside oval is the most cool thing this winter, it’s open for all ages and you can really feel the mountain winter vibes while skating ♡

Prince George Outdoor Ice Oval

Having a public outside oval is the most cool thing this winter, it’s open for all ages and you can really feel the mountain winter vibes while skating ♡

Prince George Outdoor Ice Oval

The 400m outdoor speed skating oval is a staple in the community. The oval is the only community maintained rink that is truly designated for skating only. It is open to all skaters of age and ability and also offers skate rentals. This ice surface is the only ice surface in town that is a […]

Prince George Ice Oval

This is a long track facility totally run by volunteers. Rental shop for skates. Affordable for families. With the freeze/thaw, they work hard to keep this gem open. Early morning and late nights they work so we can skate during the day! Such hard workers!!

Prince George Ice Oval

This is a long track facility totally run by volunteers. Rental shop for skates. Affordable for families. With the freeze/thaw, they work hard to keep this gem open. Early morning and late nights they work so we can skate during the day! Such hard workers!!