
Balcarres Outdoor Rink


This year we are excited to share our first ever outdoor rink with our community! Our rink was made possible by 100% volunteer hours. Resident Craig Geisler, with permission from Town Council, constructed the Towns Outdoor Rink and continues to maintain and do all upkeep to the rink. He has provided a bench for changing skates, a warm-up shack on site and outdoor lighting for evening skates. Balcarres has an indoor, artificial ice surface as well, however this ice is usually pre-booked months in advance for minor and senior hockey practices and games. The outdoor rink allows for residents and community members to leisurely skate without having to pre-book ice times or pay any rental fees. If we were chosen to receive $1,000, we would pass it back to the volunteers to cover the cost of water that they have supplied and hauled in order to build and maintain the rink for the community.

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