
Braydon Coburn Outdoor Rink


Our local outdoor rink is a very important staple in our small community. We unfortunately were only able to open our rink for a few weeks is year due to the weather, however the days that it was open, you would see someone out there each day as community members were excited to be able to utilize the facility. The outdoor rink provides a great opportunity for community members and members from the surrounding areas to enjoy the outdoors while also being active during the winter. This is not only a space for hockey players, but for anyone who enjoys to skate or even wants to learn how to. Throughout the winter season community members are constantly asking when the outdoor rink will open and you will see individuals taking time to see if the ice is ready, as they are so eager to get out there, this just goes to show how important an outdoor rink is to our community and so many communities. This is why we want to ensure that we are able to maintain the up keeps of our outdoor rink to ensure it can be used for many years to come.

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