
Dr. Scott Crescent Outdoor Rink & Warm-up Chalet


We need to specifically recognize Michael Markowski as the primary volunteer who has made the outdoor rink a possibility this season. Michael has been a regular volunteer over the years to make outdoor skating a possibility in our community, along with other volunteers. This year, however, with a combination of circumstances Michael has put in most of the hours and work as other volunteers have not been available like in the past. Michael’s involvement for this project comes as a community member who wants to help provide opportunities to the community. Sure, he is the chairperson of the Wakaw & District Recreation Board which started the outdoor ice, and yes Michael has been member of town council and recently elected as mayor, but those duties are simply the work of a community person. He would not want to be recognized for his service, or take credit for the work he has put into the ODR this year. It should also be stated that it’s Michael’s own water hose and water that has been used to create and maintain the ice this year. He pays the water bill, not receiving any funds in return.

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