
King’s Point Outdoor Rink

King's Point

The King’s Point Outdoor Rink is the heart of our community during the winter months. Our students visit for physical education and during class time, and on evenings and weekends, the community gathers here for little hockey games and family skates. The rink is kept up by our town, along with the volunteer fire department and volunteer community members. We have recently purchased a zamboni to clean the ice as well as we have built a storage shed for the zamboni. We are always looking for ways to upgrade our rink and to continue to make it an accessible and safe environment for all. We will be hosting our third annual King’s Point Winter Classic in March as well, to help us raise funds to put back toward the rink! For a small rural community, we do big things and this rink is just one of them! The rink is a full town effort and is loved by kids and adults of all ages.

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