White Lake Rink, Township of McNab/Braeside

White Lake

The White Lake ODR is located in the heart of the Village of White Lake. This rink is the hub for families, teens and adults. Be it family skating, a game of shinny with buddies or partaking in the new children’s skating lessons, this rink offers the community a place to connect with neighbors and stay active. This small rural community does not have the luxury of a mall or indoor rink – families here play outdoors and take pride in their recreation facilities. This is evident by the supportive team of volunteers who give back by taking evening and weekend shifts to flood the ice on the coldest days, clear snow off the rink and open the community building for washroom and changeroom access. The annual White Lake Winter Carnival is centered around ODR activities and sledding at the park. Community members unite to support Township staff in preparing festivities for the community. The adage, ‘it takes a Village’ certainly rings true in White Lake – this ODR is more than just a place to lace up. It is the core winter recreation facility in this community; it is where children race towards after school and families gather in the evenings. This ODR is encapsulates more than just water. It is family, laughter, a sense of belonging, perseverance and pride!

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