Let’s build a safe hockey community together
If your municipality requires or recommends insurance for your adult recreation on-ice users, CARHA Hockey is your solution.

what we offer
- Risk Management - Provides $10 million liability and on-ice sport accident coverage.
- Certificate of Insurance – Received in a timely manner following user group registration and includes naming municipality/town as additionally insured.
- Administrative Support - Manage dialogue with users, collect group registration and payment of insurance, and facilitate any claims submitted. We’ll work with your recreation department ensuring all groups are insured.
- Fill your non-prime ice/dead ice with one-off bookings, pick-up or shinny hockey, Learn to Play programs, tournaments, ball hockey and more.
Looking to refer your user groups? Download and share our referral letter to streamline your communications. Our team will take care of the rest!
Listening booth
Book a time with a member of our team and help us understand your community’s wants, needs, successes and challenges .
how we've helped
Here are A few examples of how we've supported communities:
- Support of the Dignified Dressing Room Project at the Wakaw Jubilee Arena, Saskatchewan, creating a space suitable for players and officials when they are of the gender minority.
- Partnered with Minnedosa, Manitoba, to run a Learn to Play Program for women/girls fulfilling the absence of a program to teach the sport after seeing a growth in women’s beginner and advanced hockey teams.
- Manage league operations for Thunder Bay, Ontario, Summer Adult Hockey League.
- Provide administrative support to municipally run leagues – Ray Friel Hockey League (Ottawa, Ontario), Oakville Recreational Hockey League (Ontario), and Vancouver Adult Co-Ed Hockey League (British Columbia).

CARHa hockey Gives back
CARHA Hockey is here to support your community with the following annual campaigns and programs:
Outdoor Rink Contest
Celebrates the tradition of outdoor rinks across Canada and recognizes the individuals who invest their time and effort in maintaining these spaces.
Safety Series
Game Changers
Highlights the people and programs that are paving the way for advancing gender equity in recreation and sport through action and allyship.