Welcome Mike Ostrom, CARHA Hockey Advisor


We are thrilled to make the announcement during Volunteer Appreciation Week (April 23-30) to welcome Mike Ostrom as an Advisor on our Board of Management. Mike’s passion towards the game of hockey extends in all roles of the game. His past and current experience includes working in the CARHA Hockey offices, Referee in Chief in minor hockey, Manager of Leagues and Ice Allocation at the Minto Skating Centre as well as currently operating his own adult sport leagues in Ottawa. Mike also brings not-for-profit experience from his role as Executive Director with Little League Baseball Canada.

“As we get older, recreational sports not only continues to promote healthy physical activity but encourages friends to continue to get together and bond away from the busy lives we all live. If it wasn’t for our weekly adult recreation leagues, I wouldn’t see most of the players that play as often. Recreational sports are so important for our hearts, body, and mind. I consider myself very lucky to be a part of the CARHA Hockey family both in the past and in the future, and am excited to assist however is needed to keep growing the game across the country!” 

Great to have you back on the team, Mike!

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